How does it work?

First Contact: Needs Assessment

During our initial contact, one of our consultants will perform an extensive review of the context of your search, including but not restricted to:

  • Skills and competences required for the job
  • Your business and corporate values
  • Context of your search
  • Team structure, career development
  • Budget and benchmarking

This will allow us to have a complete and clear picture of your needs!

Candidate Sourcing

Thanks to our extensive database, network, search tools and online presence, we will select a restricted number of potential candidates in line with the defined search criteria.

Interview Process

We will assist you throughout the whole interview process: interview planning and preparation, collection of useful documents (salary slips, diplomas, reference taking), briefing/debriefing and salary negotiation.

Contract Signature & Onboarding

We will review the contract with you as well as with the candidate. This prevents any misunderstanding and ensures that your collaboration starts on solid foundations!


After the candidate has officially started his or her new job, we will schedule a couple of quick meetings to make sure that the onboarding period has been successful. We of course remain available at any time should our help be needed!